Quick Start


This document will guide you to install a Single-Node Janusec Application Gateway.

0 Requirements

Role Operating System Database
Primary Node Debian 9/10/11/12+, or CentOS/RHEL 7/8+, x86_64 or arm64, with systemd and nftables (Debian 10/11 is prefered) SQLite3 or PostgreSQL 10/11/12/13/14/15+
Replica Node Debian 9/10/11/12+, or CentOS/RHEL 7/8+, x86_64 or arm64, with systemd and nftables (Debian 10/11 is prefered) Not required

1 Prepare nftables

nftables used for CC defense.
You can view the ruleset through:

#nft list ruleset

If the rule is not empty, it may affect the effectiveness of the firewall policy.
Assuming that the nftables rule is empty now, then continue.

1.1 Debian 11

In Debian 11, nftables have been installed and enabled by default and managed through the UFW service. The status can be viewed through the following command:

#ufw status numbered

If port 80 or 443 is not allowed or cannot be accessed, you may need to modify it:

When primary_node - admin - listen is false in config file /usr/local/janusec/config.json

#ufw allow 80,443/tcp

When primary_node - admin - listen is true in config file /usr/local/janusec/config.json

#ufw allow 80,443,9080,9443/tcp

1.2 Debian 10

nftables for Debian 10:

apt install nftables

1.3 CenOS 8

nftables has been installed for CentOS 8.

1.4 CenOS 7

nftables is not installed for CentOS 7 by default, installation is required:

#yum -y install nftables
#systemctl enable nftables
#systemctl start nftables

2 Installation

Step 1: Download

Download links of Open Source Editions:

Please download to the home directory of current user /home/xxx/ or other directories except the installation directory, and then extract it:

$tar zxf ./janusec-1.5.x-amd64.tar.gz

Step 2: Install

Switch to root and run install.sh , janusec application gateway will be installed to /usr/local/janusec/

#cd janusec-1.5.x-amd64

Select 1. Primary Node, then it will:

  • copy files to /usr/local/janusec/
  • copy service file to system service directory
  • Enable Janusec Application Gateway as a system service, but not start it for the first time.
Step 3: Config

Starting from v1.4.0, it supports two types of databases, SQLite and PostgreSQL, which can be selected according to the situation.

If you choose SQLite, you can ignore the fields under “database” in the configuration file below. If you choose PostgreSQL, as it is not included in the release package, you need to prepare the PostgreSQL database, username, and password yourself. The installation steps for PostgreSQL can refer to Appendix 2: PostgreSQL Operations . If you have already installed PostgreSQL, created the database, and prepared the username and password, you can continue with the following actions.

Edit /usr/local/janusec/config.json (use // as comment, please delete them before using it):

    "node_role": "primary",            // "primary" for primary node, "replica" for replica nodes
    "primary_node": {                  // keep empty for replica nodes
        "admin": {                    // Administrator portal
            "listen": true,           // Listen on new ports for admin portal
            "listen_http": ":9080",   // Format :port or Interal_IP:Port,when listen is true, http://IP:9080/janusec-admin/ is available
            "listen_https": ":9443",  // Format :port or Interal_IP:Port,when listen is true, https://any_application_domain:9443/janusec-admin/ is available
            "portal": "https://your_gate_domain.com:9443/janusec-admin/"   // Please skip this item when OAuth not used. It is for admin portal OAuth callback, if listen is false in config.json, remove colon and port number
        "database_type": "sqlite",    // sqlite or postgres
        "database": {                 // PostgreSQL 10/11/12+
            "host": "",      // PostgreSQL IP Address
            "port": "5432",           // PostgreSQL Port, 5432
            "user": "postgres",       // PostgreSQL user
            "password": "123456",     // PostgreSQL password, less than 32bit
            "dbname": "janusec"       // PostgreSQL database name
    "replica_node": {      // for replica nodes

More detailed configuration, see Configuration File

Step 4: Start and Test Installation

#systemctl start janusec

Open web browser such as Chrome, when listen=false in config.json, navigate with address:


when listen=true in config.json:


This is the administration address for Janusec Application Gateway.
Login with default username admin and password J@nusec123 .

3 Certificate (optional)

If you only use HTTP, skip this step.
Open http://your_ip_address/janusec-admin/ and add a new certificate. If you don’t have a certificate, you can get a free certificate from Let's Encrypt, or let Janusec produce a self-signed certificate( only for test), or skip certificate configuration and select ACME Automatic Certificate under Application Management.

4 Application (required)

Open http://your_ip_address/janusec-admin/ and add a new application. Fill in application name, actual IP:Port etc.

5 DNS or Hosts (required)

Modify your DNS settings, let your_domain_name point to the Gateway for production, or modify you local hosts C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts ( not the Gateway) for test.
To use ACME automated certificates, the domain name must be a real internet accessible domain name, otherwise the certification authority will not pass the callback verification.

6 Validation

Open http://your_domain_name/ or https://your_domain_name/ .

7 WAF Validation

Test cases:

http://your_domain_name/test?id=1 and 1=1

Block information:

8 Firewall nftables Validation

#nft list table inet janusec


#nft list table inet janusec -a

The result is like this:

[root@CentOS8]# nft list table inet janusec -a
table inet janusec { # handle 20
	set blocklist { # handle 2
		type ipv4_addr
		flags timeout

	chain input { # handle 1
		type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept;
		@nh,96,32 @blocklist drop # handle 3

If you need to test the effect of CC defense, please check the CC protection rules in WAF management at first.

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